I’m an avid book reader, and one of the books I’m currently reading is “The Gap and The Gain” by Benjamin Hardy, PhD and Dan Sullivan. The premise and teachings throughout the book demonstrate how we each have the ability to choose what we focus on in our businesses and lives, and how being “in the gap” is much harder on us than “being in the gain.” Being in the GAIN means you measure yourself backward, against where you were before, instead of against your ideal, which most of us usually don’t achieve, whether it be losing 10 pounds, fulfilling our New Year’s resolutions, or spending more time with our families. When you’re in the GAIN, you focus on what you’ve actually done. Have you lost 3 pounds? Then celebrate that and commit to losing the other 7. Don’t beat yourself up for taking 3 weeks to lose 3 pounds. Once you do, then you free up your mind to focus on better and even more important goals.
As I reflect back on this past year, I’m humbled by the grit, determination, compassion, and banding together of our team, clients, associates, partners, and colleagues. The past almost two years have been challenging for everyone in many ways. I encourage all of us to live in the GAIN of life, faith, freedom, and opportunity as we enter into a brand new year. And THANK YOU to everyone who has brightened our journey along the way.
“The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be” – Joseph Campbell
With deep gratitude, Suzie